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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Life's Legacy Here and Now

I have been contemplating what's important in life since Sunday when I commemorated my Dad's funeral from 9 years ago. I went to Edgefield UMC and attended his Sunday School Class, and then worshipped with his church family. Later in the day I got to celebrate his contribtuions to the history of Edgefield Pottery. Anyway, it all got me to thinking: What or Who do I love? I love Jesus, my wife Cindy of 34 years, my children Narcie, Josh, and Caleb, children-in-law Mike and Karen, mother-in-law Dixie, my wife's extended family and mine, plus a number of close friends and colleagues in ministry. I really love my two grandchildren, Enoch and Evy! I also love proclaiming the Gospel. I love teaching about God and our beloved United Methodist Church. I like thinking critically about practical divinity and how we can "do" church more effectively and efficiently. I love the outdoors, Mt. Mitchell, and cruising the Blue Ridge Parkway. I wish South Carolina had a special Parkway license plate like NC does.

I love being a District Superintendent which probably sounds wierd to most. I love being with clergy and local churches on a individual and broad basis. When I was a pastor in my own appointment in a local church I didn't appreciate our connectionalism as near as much as I do now. Now I see it in action practically every day. We are a connected-to-each-other church. I love the things, the ministries, etc. that I have seen us accomplish because we're not Lone Ranger Christians. Our theme is "Together We Can do More!" As a Superintendent I see this more than I ever have before in these 3-plus decades of ministry.

There's so much on my "love list" that it will take more installments to cover pottery-making, and homemade ice cream, but, bottom-line, I love relationships that are real, genuine, and reflect Christ. That kind of relationship makes life worth living because it makes me willing to lay myself down for somebody else. That is a rare gift and I thank all those who have graced me with that level of relationship. Here's to all us on this journey called life as we discern who and what do we love. May your list light you up as much as Enoch and Evy do me!

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