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Friday, June 12, 2009

The Mountain is Calling!

The tyranny of the urgent things is killing me. By this time every year I have already been to Mt. Mitchell at least 3-4 times, but not this year. Cindy's mother has been sick and in and out of the hospital at least 5 times in the last three months so that's been a priority. Appointment-making for the Cabinet was tough this year with so few retirements and churches cutting salaries out from under positions. There were fewer moves but more attention needed and received for each one. Lately, I've been under the gun of trying to make a R-1 Visa application work for a new Korean pastor. We have to resubmit all kinds of info and I've pored over detail after detail because we really need this to work out. The Korean pastor is a model of faithfulness. He gave up being a medical doctor in Korea making $300k to being a full-time local pastor here with a Duke M.Div. making in the $30k range. He's a great guy and that church is going to grow!

Conference whipped me, not at all for the usual reasons. It wasn't the parliamentarian bit although I can't have a brain-break when I'm trying to follow all of the discussion and anticipate what amendments or motions might be made. Actually Conference was pretty bland, except for the good preaching and the hoopla over the consitutional amendments. I'm glad we came out 85% to 15% against the worldwide UMC ones. A lot of my energy at conference went to clergy in the Columbia District. I was all over the map literally with 3 trips to McLeod's Emergency Room in Florence, to driving back after a conference session to see one of the clergy in a Heart Hospital in Columbia. There hasn't been any let up since last week. Cindy's mother was back in the Emergency Room, one of our clergy had a heart procedure, another had a purported mild heart attack and hospitalized. Another's mother died, and another former clergy died yesterday. Wow! I'm praying for everyone to get healthy and stay that way!

So, this coming Tuesday (Cindy doesn't know yet, so it's iffy), I'm headed to Mt. Mitchell to be alone, sit and read, hike out to Mt. Craig, and stoke the fire. Yes, at 6684 feet, you need a fire even in June. As John Muir said, "The moutains are calling and I must go!" Where do you go to to escape the tyranny of the urgent?

1 comment:

  1. Tim,
    Thanks for your faithfulness! Enjoy your solitude.
    Lew Wilder
