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Monday, May 4, 2009

Stuck in Life's Cracks

Well, Life does have its moments, doesn't it? It's a Monday morning and the week is backed up every day with appointments, meetings, letter-writing, conflict management and so much more. Every day the tyranny of the urgent is sudden, overwhelming, unexpected.

I feel like one of the disciples scared, apprehensive, and panicky on the boat with Jesus during the storm on the Sea of Galilee. I want Him on deck to rebuke the wind and the waves and say those all important words, "Peace, Be still!" I know in my head that Jesus is with me through life's unexpected storms, but it's my heart that is unsettled. The 18-inch connection between head and heart needs reconnecting this morning. I've had my devotional and prayed, but, nevertheless, sense a antsy anticipation of "What next!?" I know that it will be something, out of nowhere, and my --- will be stuck in a tree, in a crack. Help me, Jesus, get loose and walk by faith and not by sight, to trust you when stuff happens - even as I wrote the first part of this sentence, my cell phone rang with something unexpected and before I could even finish this, my office phone rang with another crisis - such is life.

Yes, such is life stuck in the cracks, but the good news for me and you today is that Jesus has been in the crack, too, then broke free and will break us free. No matter what happens today, Jesus is on our side and will deliver us. He pulls us through - may it be so. Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.

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