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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Staff-Parish Committees & Clergy/Well-intentioned Dragons

Ill or Well-intentioned dragons abound in some churches. I have been set up before by a person who said that she was concerned for her church and wanted to come by and talk. Through her tears I unfortunately said "yes" to her request only to be greeted by a group of 8 or more people. I gave them hospitality but quickly said, "You need to take this to your SPRC." I have a meeting like this coming up.
At first glance I thought let's have the pastor present, too, so it's a fair fight and I get to stay out of the triangle, but then I thought better of it by the grace of God. If I pulled the pastor in, it becomes a contest between conflicting sides escalating into a win by the dragons who just want to go back and say to people, "We told the preacher off in front of the DS!" So I'm not going to meet with the people and the pastor. I'll meet with the people and limit the number, defect in place, show them Jesus, hear their concerns, AND, the biggie, determine what the spiritual issue is.
You have to hear people's grievances in this office, but you don't have to empower the naysayers. Paying attention to the emotional process and not submitting to it is the key. Hoping to pay more attention objectively to the content is important, but, nonetheless, a rabbit-chasing fallacy. Anybody can juggle facts to suit their emotional purpose or their agenda. If their agenda isn't Jesus then the conversation becomes a counseling session of pastoral care thereby defusing the anger not by authoritarian fiat, but by relationship salvaging. I'll call the pastor later and give that person a heads-up, but I am NOT going to be caught in the triangle of "they said, you said" ad infinitum.
This time of year is anxiety laden for clergy and congregations because of last week's move or stay deadline. People are taking sides and getting in digs or bribes to try to get the best appointment either for the pastor or the church, often at the expense each other's expense. Of course, this isn't the way it always is. Thank God there are churches and clergy who amicably part ways just because it's time for someone else to take them over Jordan.
I pray that I can avoid the manipulation, the anxiety, the arguments, and the unrealistic expectations of both churches and clergy. I am reminded once again that this whole process is mostly about churches, then preachers; but most of all it's about Jesus and the Kingdom - not friendships, sucking up, or people making up "bad" stuff about a preacher they have supposedly loved for so long. Rather than face the fact that it's just time for a change people start the rumor mill of innuendo just to have an excuse to push someone out, or to leave a church. I have even had clergy tell me in my office they want to leave then go home and tell their spouse that I'm making them leave. Then I catch it from the spouse. It's a strange dance that we move to in this process.
Well I pray that we move people this year like every year based on gifts, graces, needs, and primarily what Jesus wants for the Kingdom. So I'll be heading to meetings with SPRC's and consult with pastors, attempt to speak the truth in love, and show them all Jesus, both meek and mild & forthright and faithful. Here goes!

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