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Friday, August 14, 2009

Palmetto Pride

My last post showed me doing sgraffito-carving on a leatherhard vase. I like to free hand palmetto and crescents - the symbols of South Carolina. Our state is infamous for too many things. Someone said about SC when the state seceded from the Union to start the Civil War: "What! They're too small to be a republic, and too large to be an insane asylum."

Well, I wonder sometimes. Our cigarette tax is one of the lowest in the country. Our legislature is often out-of-touch when it comes to medicaid and benefits to the poorest of the poor. Our unemployment rate is worse than anyone else's, but our tuition at our colleges is highest in the Southeast. Plus, don't get me started about our governor, lieutenant governor, or a Confederate flag flying in our faces in front of the Statehouse.

That flag alone is enough to make me sick. It is so hurtful to so many people. Our history is replete with innocent blood on that flag. That may be my history, but it's not my heritage. History is something you learn from, and heritage is something you pass on to your children. But we haven't learned, have we? How many of us would be offended if the German B.M.W. plant in Greer flew a Swatiska over its buildings? We all would!

We need to put the shine and lustre back on the Palmetto and Crescent. That's a symbol worth standing up for. It's up to me and you to do it. I have spent a few days before calling legislators. I need to do it more than that. Apathy gets us nowhere. It may be summer recess for our legislators so we might think it's no time to call them up. Actually, summer recess is the best time. They work for us! Pick up the phone!

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